2 Day Course: Single Tooth Restorations Anno 2023 in Vital and Non-Vital Teeth, DMD PhD M. Gresnigt, 20/04/2023 & 21/04/2023

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VZW Rest. THK& Imp. organizes at the Icarus Academy this 2‑day course with live patient treatment: Single Tooth Restorations Anno 2023 in Vital and Non-Vital Teeth

When to choose for a conventional crown preparation? What are the indications for an adhesive ceramic restoration? What’s the clinical and scientific relevance? How to restore non-vital teeth? What about resin bonded ceramic bridges, what’s new? 

Part 1: Thursday 20th of april 2023

Due to the rising demand for education about adhesive dentistry and the increasing area of indications, the course Posterior Ceramic Restorations’ will now become a 2‑day course. During this course we’ll speak about ceramic restorations for single teeth in the anterior and posterior region, treatment of vital VS non-vital teeth and resin bonded ceramic bridges.

The clinical relevance for conventional crowns in both the anterior and posterior region will be discussed. In modern dentistry we try to preserve a maximum amount of tooth structure. Conventional cementation is replaced by adhesion. Full contour zirconium crowns and preparations are mainly replaced by ceramic in-and onlays. What are the preferred materials for this restorations and why? How can we achieve and optimal isolation for our adhesion? What’s the correct pretreatment for both tooth and restoration to achieve a long lasting restoration with long term clinical success?

In non-vital teeth the use of conventional build up and posts can be replaced with a different type of restoration, namely the endocrown’.

The different procedures and treatment steps are explained theoretically, followed by a live patient treatment under microscope. This way the course becomes very interactive.

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    Welcome and registration

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    Theoretical course (Part 1)

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    Coffee break

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    Theoretical course (Part 2)

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    Live demonstration – Preparation of ceramic restoration with IDS& impression

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    Live demonstration – Preparation of ceramic restoration with IDS& impression

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    Diner for participants & M.Gresnigt

Deel 2: Zaterdag 4 juni 2022

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    Onthaal en registratie

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    Theoretische uiteenzetting (deel 1)

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    Theoretische uiteenzetting (deel 2)

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    Live demonstratie — Adhesief verkleven van keramische restauraties (deel 1)

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    Live demonstratie — Adhesief verkleven van keramische restauraties (deel 2)

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    Drankje en hapje ter afsluiting van de cursus

DMD Ph D M Gresnigt

Marco Gresnigt

Marco Gresnigt graduated in 2005 cum laude from the University of Groningen. In January 2012, he was promoted (Phd) on the clinical and laboratory evaluation of adhesive cementation of veneers. He’s currently active in the center for special dental care at the Martini Hospital Groningen where he performs aesthetic treatment under microscope. At the University of Groningen he’s the head of the department of restorative dentistry and biomaterials, conducting research about restorative and adhesive dentistry and teaching about esthetic and reconstructive dentistry in the clinic. He has multiple Phd students and publishes in international magazines, (>40 peer reviewed articles) mainly about adhesive restorative dentistry. He’s a national and international speaker who gives courses in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive adhesive dentistry. He won multiple awards such as the GC world clinical case award, Smile award, EAED innovation award and different scientific awards. He’s the former president of the international Bio-Emulation group and is a current global ambassador for SlowDentistry.

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