Two-day Course: Solitary Restorations Anno 2025 at Vital and Avital Teeth, DMD PhD M. Gresnigt, 25 and 26/04/2025

Date 1
Date 2
Amount of days
80 pt. ACC (DG 7)
Available spots


VZW Rest. THK& Imp. organizes this two-day course with live treatment at the Icarus Academy: Solitary Restorations Anno 2024 at Vitale and Avitale Tanden with DMD PhD M. Gresnigt

When do we opt for a classic crown? When is an adhesively bonded restoration preferred? What is clinically & scientifically relevant? What about avital teeth?


To participate in this course you can fill in the digital registration form. Your registration is only complete after payment of the course fee.

This registration is for the 2‑day course with live demo, including dinner with the participants and organization on Thursday evening.


  • Registration before 24/01/2025 : €2,495.00
  • Registration after 24/01/2025 : €2,795.00
Dutch, English


Personal Information
Billing address

Part 1: Friday April 25th 2025.

Due to the greater demand for training on adhesive dentistry and the increasingly extensive indications, the course Posterior Ceramic Restorations’ is now expanded to a 2‑day course. During this training, posterior restorations and treatment of vital versus avital teeth will be discussed.

The clinical relevance of classic crowns is under scrutiny. In today’s modern dentistry, we strive for maximum preservation of the remaining tooth tissue. The classic cementation of crowns is replaced by adhesive bonding to the tooth. Full zirconia crowns and surrounds are largely replaced by porcelain inlay and onlay restorations. Which materials are preferred here and why? How can we optimally isolate the teeth? What are the preparation guidelines? What is the right pre-treatment for the tooth and restoration and how can we best bond to ensure long-term success?

With avital teeth we will make less and less use of classic core build-ups and posts. Here we use a completely different technique in which the post build-up and crown are replaced by endo crowns’.

The different procedures are explained theoretically, followed by a live treatment under a microscope. In this way, the patient’s treatment can be followed interactively.

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    Reception and registration

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    Theoretical explanation (part 1)

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    Coffee break

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    Theoretical explanation (part 2)

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    Live Demonstration — Preparing Ceramic Restoration with IDS& Impression (Part 1)

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    Coffee break

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    Live Demonstration — Preparing Ceramic Restoration with IDS& Impression (Part 2)

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    Discussion and debriefing

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Part 2 : Saturday April 26th 2025


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    Reception and registration

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    Theoretical explanation (part 1)

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    Coffee break

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    Theoretical explanation (part 2)

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    Live demonstration — Adhesive bonding of ceramic restorations (part 1)

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    Coffee break

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    Live demonstration — Adhesive bonding of ceramic restorations (part 2)

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    Drinks and cake to conclude the course

DMD Ph D M Gresnigt

Marco Gresnigt

Marco Gresnigt graduated in 2005 cum laude from the University of Groningen. In January 2012, he was promoted (Phd) on the clinical and laboratory evaluation of adhesive cementation of veneers. He’s currently active in the center for special dental care at the Martini Hospital Groningen where he performs aesthetic treatment under microscope. At the University of Groningen he’s the head of the department of restorative dentistry and biomaterials, conducting research about restorative and adhesive dentistry and teaching about esthetic and reconstructive dentistry in the clinic. He has multiple Phd students and publishes in international magazines, (>40 peer reviewed articles) mainly about adhesive restorative dentistry. He’s a national and international speaker who gives courses in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive adhesive dentistry. He won multiple awards such as the GC world clinical case award, Smile award, EAED innovation award and different scientific awards. He’s the former president of the international Bio-Emulation group and is a current global ambassador for SlowDentistry.

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