Fully booked! Two-day course with live patient treatment: Laminate veneers from A to Z met DMD PhD M. Gresnigt 22/11/2024 en 20/12/2024

Date 1
Date 2
Amount of days
80 pt. ACC (DG 7)
Available spots


VZW Restorative Dentistry and Implantology organizes this two-day course with live treatment in the Icarus Academy: Rehabilitation with Laminate Veneers: from A to Z


To participate in this course you can fill in the registration form. Your registration is only complete after payment of the course fee.


  • Registration before 22/09/2024 : €2,350.00
  • Registration after 22/09/2024 : €2,650.00
Dutch, English

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Part 1: 22nd of November 2024

A preliminary study is carried out on the basis of clinical photos and video recordings. A DSD (Digital Smile Design) is a tool that helps us to estimate the end result in advance. This allows us to consult with the patient in order to meet his expectations exactly. Aesthetic highlights are explained. The dental technician makes a mock-up using the DSD. We can then copy this to the mouth and we can evaluate the try-out in the photo studio. This way the patient can see exactly what it is going to be. For us, the mock-up provides correct information regarding preparations of the laminate veneers. The teeth are prepared through minimally invasive technique. To protect the dentine tubules, we apply the IDS (Immediate Dental Sealing). Imprint is prepared and executed. Media requirements are explained. We collect the correct information to send to the dental technician for the production of the facets. Temporary restorations are fabricated and finished in anticipation of the final veneers. Each time, the different steps are explained theoretically, followed by a live treatment that is filmed and shown directly

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    Reception and registration

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    Clinical diagnosis and analysis of the smile line using Digital Smile Design
    Aesthetic Highlights

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    Coffee break

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    How to transfer DSD to the patient : Mock-up and try-out

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    Preparation Principles and Immediate Dental Sealing
    How to take a correct impression?
    Temporary provision: how do we work?

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    Coffee break

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    Temporary provision: how do we work?
    Communication with the dental technician

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    Discussion and debriefing

Part 2: Friday december 20th 2024

Picking up a temporary restoration is no sinecure. How do we work? It is then essential that the preparations in the mouth are cleaned correctly so that we can perform a try-out of the Laminate Veneers. The sense and nonsense of different colors of try-out cement and which type of cement do we prefer and why? After the pass, the veneers must be finally prepared. The preparations in the mouth must also be properly isolated and prepared. Cementing requires a whole discipline that must be strictly followed in order to achieve a sustainable predictable result. These components are explained both theoretically and clinically. This is followed by a final discussion and discussion. The course therefore covers all facets in detail from start to finish, both theoretically and clinically.

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    Reception and registration

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    Brief overview of the previous treatments
    Preparing the preparations
    Collection of temporary restorations
    Correct cleaning of the preparation and why?
    Tray – out van Facings : nonsense of try-out pastes

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    Coffee break

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    pre-treatment of the Facings and the preparation: how and why?

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    Cementing veneers: Which technique and which material, why?

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    Coffee break

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    Cementing veneers: Which technique and which material, why?
    Final check after cementation and final clinical slides

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    Discussion and debriefing

DMD Ph D M Gresnigt

Marco Gresnigt

Marco Gresnigt graduated in 2005 cum laude from the University of Groningen. In January 2012, he was promoted (Phd) on the clinical and laboratory evaluation of adhesive cementation of veneers. He’s currently active in the center for special dental care at the Martini Hospital Groningen where he performs aesthetic treatment under microscope. At the University of Groningen he’s the head of the department of restorative dentistry and biomaterials, conducting research about restorative and adhesive dentistry and teaching about esthetic and reconstructive dentistry in the clinic. He has multiple Phd students and publishes in international magazines, (>40 peer reviewed articles) mainly about adhesive restorative dentistry. He’s a national and international speaker who gives courses in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive adhesive dentistry. He won multiple awards such as the GC world clinical case award, Smile award, EAED innovation award and different scientific awards. He’s the former president of the international Bio-Emulation group and is a current global ambassador for SlowDentistry.

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