NEW !!! 2018⁄03 The laminartechniques in the anterior dentition: Histo-anatomic direct restorations with model demonstration and live patient
•Practical Conclusion From Structural Analysis and Visual Synthesis
•What Regulates Enamel Translucency and Dentin Opacity
•The Tri_Laminar layering technique applied to the Anterior Dentition
•An introduction to The Penta_Laminar layering technique
•Natural Examples of Different Aging Stages in Anterior Teeth
•Histo-Anatomic Composite Shade Compatibility
•Conceptual Layering at Different Dental Maturation Stages
•Clinical Step-by-Step Cases of the Laminar Techniques
•Finishing, Contouring and Morphological Detailing — Form and Texture
•3600 in Depth Polishing Techniques — Longevity of Gloss and Luster
Main topics:
•Practical Conclusion From Structural Analysis and Visual Synthesis
•What Regulates Enamel Translucency and Dentin Opacity
•The Tri_Laminar layering technique applied to the Anterior Dentition
•An introduction to The Penta_Laminar layering technique
•Natural Examples of Different Aging Stages in Anterior Teeth
•Histo-Anatomic Composite Shade Compatibility
•Conceptual Layering at Different Dental Maturation Stages
•Clinical Step-by-Step Cases of the Laminar Techniques
•Finishing, Contouring and Morphological Detailing — Form and Texture
•3600 in Depth Polishing Techniques — Longevity of Gloss and Luster
At the end of this course, Participants will be able to:
•Understand teeth’s optical properties from a histo-anatomical
standpoint and make precise correlations with the composite systems
available on the market
•Perceive the actual histological aging stage of each clinical case
and apply the selected laminar concept accordingly
•Select the ideal composite resin for each layer, according to the
desired physical and optical properties
•Confidently choose and execute any of the laminar techniques on
anterior teeth
•Design missing internal histo-anatomical structures with correct 3d
morphology, respecting ideal thickness and mesial-distal/cervicalincisal
•Recreate natural external morphological contours and precise surface
•Finish and polish the restorations, matching desired gloss and luster
for each case
Full course day
Marco Gresnigt
Marco Gresnigt is in 2005 cum laude afgestudeerd aan de Rijksuniversiteit
Groningen. In januari 2012 is hij gepromoveerd op de adhesieve bevestiging van facings. Hij is werkzaam op het centrum voor bijzondere tandheelkunde in het Martini Ziekenhuis Groningen waar hij restauratieve en esthetische behandelingen uitvoert met behulp van een operatiemicroscoop. Op de universiteit van Groningen is hij het hoofd van de restauratieve tandheelkunde en biomaterialen, verricht onderzoek op het gebied van de restauratieve/adhesieve tandheelkunde en doceert hij de esthetische en reconstructieve tandheelkunde op kliniek. Hij heeft meerdere promovendi en publiceert in internationale tijdschriften (>40 peer reviewed artikelen) met name op het gebied van de adhesieve restauratieve tandheelkunde. Hij geeft zowel nationaal als internationaal lezingen en cursussen op het gebied van esthetische en adhesieve tandheelkunde. Hij heeft meerdere prijzen gewonnen zoals de GC world clinical case award, Smile award, EAED innovation award en verschillende wetenschappelijke prijzen. Hij was voorzitter van de internationale Bio-Emulation groep en is global ambasadeur van SlowDentistry.
Javier Tapia Guadix
Javier Tapia Guadix was born in 1978 in Madrid, Spain. He finished dental school at the European University of Madrid in 2003. Working then as associate professor in the prosthetics department during 2004. In 2005 he started his career as professional computer graphics artist, focused on illustration, animation and application development. He founded the company Juice — Dental Media Design for this purpose. He received the Collegiate Merit Award by the Spanish College of Dentists from the 1st Region in 2005, for his collaboration in the commission of new technologies. In 2011 he founded together with Panaghiotis Bazos and Gianfranco Politano the Bio-Emulation group. He actively collaborates with several universities across Europe and is member of GC Restorative Advisory Board. In 2014 he became official reviewer for the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry. Then in 2017 he became official reviewer for the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry. Javier works in his private practice in Madrid, focused on restorative dentistry and aesthetics. He is an international lecturer with participation in more than 200 congress, hands-on courses and live courses. He published several articles in restorative dentistry, dental photography and computers in dentistry.