Two-day course with live patient treatment: Laminate veneers from A to Z with DMD PhD M. Gresnigt, 10/11/2023 en 15/12/2023

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Datum 2


VZW Rest. THK& Imp. organizes this two-day course with live treatment at the Icarus Academy : Rehabilitation with Laminate Veneers from A to Z

Part I: 

On the basis of clinical photography and video recording, a preliminary plan will be developed. DSD (Digital Smile Design) is a tool that enables us to visually assess in advance (enables us to do a preliminary assessment of) the results of a treatment. This facilitates our consultations with the patient and also allows us to respond more efficiently (more directly and accurately) to his/​her expectations. With the aid of DSD, the dental technician develops a mock-up, which is used to copy to the mouth and to evaluate the try-out in the photo studio. This enables the patient to see exactly the outcomes of the proposed treatment. At the same time, the mock-up provides you with the information for the preparation of the laminate veneers. With a minimal invasive technique, the teeth are prepared. To protect the dentinal tubules, we apply IDS (Immediate Dental Sealing). An imprint will be made and requirements for impression materials will be explained. The correct information is collected to be sent to the dental technician to prepare the facings. In the meantime, a temporary restoration is developed and finalized. The different steps will be explained theoretically, followed by a live treatment which will be streamlined directly through video. 

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    Reception and registration

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    Clinical diagnosis and analysis of the smile line using Digital Smile Design;
    Aesthetical highlights

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    Coffee break

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    How to introduce your patient to DSD: mock-up and tray-out

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    Principles of preparation and Immediate Dental Sealing
    How to take an accurate imprint?
    Temporary provision: how to approach?

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    Coffee break

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    Temporary provision: how to approach (continued)?
    Communication with the dental technician

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    Q&A and conclusion

Part II

The removal of the temporary restoration is not easy. How do we proceed? Subsequently, it is essential that the preparation in the mouth is properly cleaned before placing the laminate veneers. The pros and cons of diverse color tray-out cements, which type of cement do we prefer and why? After the fitting, the veneers have to be finalized. In addition, the preparation in the mouth must be properly isolated and correctly prepared. Cementation requires a specific protocol which must be strictly followed in order to achieve a sustainable and predictable result. All components will be explained theoretically as well as clinically, followed by a final discussion and Q&A. 

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    Reception and registration

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    Brief summary of Day 1
    Precise preparations
    Removing temporary restorations
    Appropriate cleaning of preparation and why?
    Tray-out of facings: usefulness-uselessness of tray-out pastes

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    Coffee break

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    Pre-treatment of the Veneers and the preparations: how and why?

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    Cementation of veneers: Which techniques and materials, why?

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    Coffee break

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    Cementation of veneers: Which techniques and materials, why (continued)?
    Final check after cemention and final clinical slides

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    Q&A and conclusion

DMD Ph D M Gresnigt

Marco Gresnigt

Marco Gresnigt is in 2005 cum laude afgestudeerd aan de Rijksuniversiteit

Groningen. In januari 2012 is hij gepromoveerd op de adhesieve bevestiging van facings. Hij is werkzaam op het centrum voor bijzondere tandheelkunde in het Martini Ziekenhuis Groningen waar hij restauratieve en esthetische behandelingen uitvoert met behulp van een operatiemicroscoop. Op de universiteit van Groningen is hij het hoofd van de restauratieve tandheelkunde en biomaterialen, verricht onderzoek op het gebied van de restauratieve/​adhesieve tandheelkunde en doceert hij de esthetische en reconstructieve tandheelkunde op kliniek. Hij heeft meerdere promovendi en publiceert in internationale tijdschriften (>40 peer reviewed artikelen) met name op het gebied van de adhesieve restauratieve tandheelkunde. Hij geeft zowel nationaal als internationaal lezingen en cursussen op het gebied van esthetische en adhesieve tandheelkunde. Hij heeft meerdere prijzen gewonnen zoals de GC world clinical case award, Smile award, EAED innovation award en verschillende wetenschappelijke prijzen. Hij was voorzitter van de internationale Bio-Emulation groep en is global ambasadeur van SlowDentistry.

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