Secrets of Isolation: Cofferdam MRT 2020
“There is probably no other technique or instrument in dentistry that is so widely accepted and advocated by the established authorities and universally ignored by practising dentists”. (Ierland L., ‘The rubber dam: Its advantages and applications’, Texas Dent J 1962; 80:. 6 – 15)
“There is probably no other technique or instrument in dentistry that is so widely accepted and advocated by the established authorities and universally ignored by practising dentists”. (Ierland L., ‘The rubber dam: Its advantages and applications’, Texas Dent J 1962; 80:. 6 – 15)
Since its introduction in 1864 the use of rubber dam in several dental procedures has increased. Nonetheless in everyday practice it is not used as widely as one might expect. A lot of reasons or excuses are given to not use this simple isolation feature. The idea is simple, but the practical execution is another story. Especially if you know that the use of rubber dam requires us, as dental professionals, to plan our work efficiently and that we need to be able to adequately communicate with our patients. It is without any doubt that the use of rubber dam is mandatory during endodontic procedures and adhesive procedures. This course teaches us what becomes possible if we ask ourselves the question: what if?
High quality dentistry starts at the basis of the pyramid. Take part in an exceptional experience whereby the basis of the quality of the treatment is taught in a fun and interactive way.
- Obstacles
- Materials
- Inversion
- Strategy
- Endo-restorative continuum
- Sequence flowchart
- Keys to success
During the master class a large number of clinical examples will show participants how every isolation can be a challenge and categorized in one of 4 big configurations. Step by step procedures are used to master the techniques. Tips and tricks are demonstrated in relation to restorative procedures. During the hands-on, all procedures will be practiced on model dentures (phantom heads). Special isolation and combinations will be performed out as well. At the end of the hands-on there will be a competition during which competitors will challenge each other for the quickest isolation in “The Fast and the Furious”.
- To familiarize with the criteria for the appropriate materials
- Develop and apply the right strategies to isolate the area, even in difficult situations
- To learn isolation techniques
- Develop a creative mind-set that, if necessary, can come up with new solutions.
Discussion and debriefing
Stephane Browet
Stephane Browet is werkzaam als algemeen practicus in twee groepspraktijken rond Brussel. Hij studeerde in 1995 af als tandarts aan de Vrije Universteit Brussel. Na zijn afstuderen volgde hij er een 2‑jarige post graduate opleiding Esthetische tandheelkunde. Vrijwel meteen na het beëindigen van die opleiding kreeg Stephane de smaak van het doceren te pakken en wat begon als een voorzichtige poging groeide uit to één van zijn grote passies. Vandaag de dag is Stephane zowel nationaal als internationaal een veel gevraagd spreker en cursusleider. Onderwerpen zijn bijvoorbeeld Cofferdam, composiet posterieur, het gebruik van de microscoop in alle takken van de tandheelkunde, indirecte restauraties. Na 5 jaar intensief gebruik van een loupebril werd de stap gezet naar het inzetten van de operatiemicroscoop voor al zijn tandheelkundige behandelingen. Samenlopend daarmee is Stephane sinds 2003 lid van de Academy of Microscope Enhanced Dentistry (AMED). Sinds 2011 is hij ook lid geworden van de European Society of Microscope Dentistry ESMD. Hij is ook actief lid van de Bio-Emulation groep.